
Think as God does

Readings for Thursday February 19, 2009

First Reading:  Genesis 9:1-13
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 102 
Gospel:  Mark 8:27-33

My brothers and sisters, peace be with you!

It is so hard to believe that we are almost towards the end of February.  It is also hard to believe that next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and so begins the liturgical season of Lent.  This season is a time of fasting, prayer and penitence before Easter.  I remember that during the last season of Lent, I was getting very excited because I was finally going to be able to come into the church and receive the sacraments of confirmation, reconciliation and Eucharist.  I remember it being a very exciting time and one that was a great lesson in preparation and patience.  The season of Lent really helped to further my journey by being a time that helped me to grow deeper with our Lord.

In today's gospel reading, Jesus begins to prepare His disciples for His passion that He must go through.  While they did not fully understand what He meant, they were regardless still being prepared for what He would suffer.  We too are approaching the time when we remember His passion and death for our sins, and like the disciples we celebrate His resurrection and triumph over death!  Easter is certainly one of the most exciting times for us as it is filled with so much spiritual richness and a time that can cause great renewal in us all.  That can certainly happen to all of us if we are really trying to prepare as we are called to.  

Lent is just around the corner, I hope that all of us are thinking about what it is that we can fast from, or a positive thing that we can add into our lives.  Are we trying to prepare through prayer; and how will we go deeper into prayer and reflection during this time?  Will we think about our sins and ask for forgiveness during this time?  During this time of preparation, we must really push and challenge ourselves.  Let us remember the words of Jesus when He rebuked Peter in today's gospel, "You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do."

Lent is a time to help us let go of the things of this world and to hold tight and draw closer to Jesus.  Let us challenge ourselves and grow deeper in our faith.  Let us not give in to our selfish desires and take the easy ways out; may we all put on the  mind of Christ and think not as humans do, but as God does.        

Father above, we thank you for the gift of this day.  Lord, we thank you for your many blessings that you have bestowed upon all of us.  Lord, thank you for always being there for us, and for loving us so much.  We praise you for your mercy, and for our lives.  Help us to be the servants that you created us to be, give us strength and wisdom to persevere through our days and to see and do your will in all things.  We pray for all those who are are seeking you, may they be brought to your abundant love and mercy.  We ask this all through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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