
Made for a Purpose

First Reading: Jeremiah 1:1,4-10
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 71
Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9

"What are you doing?" This is the question that I seemed to ask myself constantly as I was growing up and even many times into entering adulthood. I was always asking myself what I was doing because I was trying to figure out my life. I usually asked this question after a night of partying or after another breakup with a girl. But I believe during this time of my life, I didn't really want to know what I was doing in my life or why I was messing it up; but I really wanted to know what I am here for. "Why am I here?" "Why was I made?" After my conversion these are the questions that I began asking. I realized that I was asking the wrong questions to the wrong person (myself), I needed to sit down with our divine creator and ask Him why he made me and what His will is for me. I am not saying things have been easier since, but I have found much peace and joy from beginning to ask the right questions to the right person.

Made for a purpose. This is what I have discovered from asking the right questions. In the first reading today, the Lord tells the prophet Jeremiah "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you." Do you ever feel as though your life has no meaning or that you do not really matter? Well look to the prophet Jeremiah for comfort with this because it is clear here that we are all made for a purpose. Do not ever doubt for one second in your life that you do not matter, because you matter a great deal to God. And better yet, not only do you matter but he has a plan for you. He knew you before you were even born, he knows you better that anyone (including yourself). I know that at times it may not seem like there is any sort of plan and that things are just way to chaotic to make since, but that is where we just need to trust in the Lord. I also recommend that we each take a few moments each day to sit with our divine creator and ask Him;"Lord what is it that you want me to do." If we continue to ask and we trust and have patience, then he will reveal His plan to us for our lives.

Made for a purpose. There is great meaning in our lives, let us ask the right questions to the right person to understand.

Lord, we thank you and give you praise for this day. Help us to understand your plan for us in our lives and help us to go out and do your will each and everyday. Holy Spirit come to us increase our faith so that we may have the strength and courage to follow you where ever you will lead us. We ask this all through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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