
There's no "I" in "team!"

Readings for Monday November 3, 2008

First Reading:  Philippians 2:1-4
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 131
Gospel:  14:12-14

Many sports teams use the phrase:  "There is no 'I' in 'team'"  This simple phrase is used to illustrate the point that a team is one entity, united for a common purpose.  A team is not a collection of individuals, each out for his or her own glory, but rather a single unit who works together for a common goal.  Teams that have a lot of players with a "I" mentality, instead of a "team"mentality find themselves not accomplishing their goals or unable to perform due a lack of unity.  Teams that put each other first and are willing to sacrifice their own glory for the sake of the team find themselves completely united and able to withstand any force that comes their way.  

In Saint Paul's letter to the Philippians, he warns against the "I" mentality, and talks about being unified in Christ.  Saint Paul talks about the joy of being united in Christ and being focused on just one thing - Serving God and others before us.  Having an "I" mentality does not just affect those on sports teams, but can also having damaging effects in our family lives or in our work lives.  If a father or mother is only concerned about themselves and their own interests, what kind of traits will their kids pick up on?  If each worker is only concerned for themselves and does not freely give their best at work and only does the minimum to get by, how does the company grow and thrive?  But if we each unite in Christ, and actively work to serve God and others before ourselves, then we will truly find a peace and a joy like never before.  And who knows, others might even recognize this in us and this idea of selflessness may even become contagious!

Today's gospel talks of giving without receiving.  Our lives are not so much about how much we make, what we get, or what titles we have ... our lives are about what we give.  If we want to find meaning and peace, then we must give to God, not just of money and gifts, but of ourselves  Today, let us reflect on how we give to God and others, and how we can improve.  

Remember, there's no "I" in "team."

Father above, we thank you for the gift of this day.  We praise you and give you all the glory for all that we are and all that we have.  Lord, help us to serve you with all that we are today and all days.   Let us follow you where ever you might lead us to.   Lord, we pray for all those who are less fortunate and all those experiencing trying times.  May they see the blessings in disguise and find your love through all they go through.  We ask this all through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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