
Pass it on

Readings for Tuesday November 11, 2008

Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, bishop

First Reading:  Titus 2:1-8, 11-14
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 37
Gospel:  Luke 17:7-10

As servants of God, there is much expected of us.  Many times it is easier to follow our own desires or wants instead of doing what we should be doing.  I am sure that in today's gospel, the servant in Jesus' parable would have rather taken a break and rested before waiting on his master, but this is not the servant's role.  The servant must do all that is asked of him before he can rest and get what he earns.  Why is it this way?  Because that is the role of the servant.  It is their responsibility to wait on their master and to do what is asked of them.  In return for their service the master will take care of the servants needs and share what He has.  

Paul talks greatly about our responsibilities as followers of Christ in today's letter to Titus.  Paul talks about the ways in which we should act as men and women of God, and how our actions are very important, not only for our own salvation, but for passing on the faith to the next generation.  It is not enough for us to be "temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, love and endurance, reverent, etc."  It is our responsibility to also model this correct behavior to our youth.  We must teach young men what it means to be a  man of God, and we must teach young women what it means to be a woman of God.  One of the number one ways that we can do this is by modeling the behavior that we wish to pass on.  It means nothing to tell people how to live if you are unwilling to live that way yourself.  People (especially youth) do not follow hypocrites, they follow those who are honest and faithful and willing to practice what they preach.  

Think about youth that you are in contact with frequently, perhaps it is your own kids, nieces or nephews, or neighbors; our youth are desperately in need of men and women who will model the virtues that Christ is calling us all to.  I pray that we can all be strengthened in our faith to allow the light of Christ to shine through us to our young people and all those we are in contact with.  

Father above, we thank you for this day.  We praise you and thank you for all you give us.  Lord, increase our faith so that we might be strong enough to follow you.  Lord, help us to be the examples that our young people need in this life.  God, we pray for the youth of this world, that they might fight the temptations that this world calls them to and find you in order to find their lives.  We ask this all through Christ our Lord.  Amen.      

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