
Here am I Lord

Readings for Tuesday January 27, 2009

First Reading:  Hebrews 10:1-10
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 40
Gospel:  Mark 3:31-35

I remember in school there always seemed to be two sets of kids ... those who did what was asked of them by the teacher, and those who didn't.  The ones who followed instructions and rules of the teacher were always looked upon favorably, and those who didn't would most likely spend most of their time in trouble.  I think anyone who has experience working with kids or people, can certainly have a great appreciation for those individuals who do what is asked of them.  

So, if we appreciate it when people do what we ask, how much more does God appreciate it when we cooperate with Him?  Our world is filled with those who seek to do God's will, and with those who seek to do their own will.  We have great reason to believe that God looks favorably upon those who do His will.  We know this by looking at biblical history, our own past, and of the promises made to those who follow the Lord.  In today's gospel, Jesus even tell us that those who do the will of God are "his brother and sister and mother."  Listening and obeying God not only puts us in a favorable position, but brings us closer to our Lord and Savior.  We would do well to always think about this when faced with challenges and with temptation.  

We are all children of God ... are you the child who listens and does what is asked, or are you more of the rebellious type?  May we always speak the words of psalmists, "Here am I Lord; I come to do your will."       

Father above, we thank you for the gift of this day.  Lord, may we gain strength and courage from reading your holy word.  Lord we pray for a heart of obedience and that your will may be done in our lives.  Lord, you know what is best for us and we trust in you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.  Lord we pray for all of our leaders and for the conversion of our president.  We ask this all through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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