
Because of our faith

First Reading: Habakkuk 1:12-2:4
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 9
Gospel: Matthew 17:14-20

In the gospel today we have the story of a boy who is possessed with a demon. The father brings the boy to Jesus to have Him cure the boy. The father says that when he took the boy to the disciples, they could not cure him. Jesus then goes on to cure the boy, which causes the disciples to question Jesus. The following scenario plays out:

"Why could we not drive it out?"

Jesus answers; "Because of your little faith."

Ouch, what a blow that must of been to the disciples trying to do their good works. I think that the advice that Jesus gave is what we tend to call constructive criticism. Jesus identifies the problem and then gives them the instructions and inspiration that they need to hear. "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Nothing will be impossible for you. What does it take? Faith the size of a mustard seed. Now this is not to say that we can drive to the grocery store and have the person behind the counter measure out a little bit of faith for us; but this analogy does provide some wonderful insight into they type of faith that we should have. I don't believe that we are given a specific size and shape for our faith, but we are being taught about the actual presence of our faith. If our faith is truly present, and we truly believe in our hearts in the power of Christ, then nothing will be impossible for us. It is because of our faith in Christ that we can do anything that God calls us to do. If we limit our faith, we limit God in our lives and therefore we cannot become all that we were created to be.

Do you want a full life? Do you want to do amazing things for God's glory? Do you want to find your life? Then all it takes is faith. The prophet Habakkuk was given this message by the Lord: "...the just man, because of his faith shall live." Jesus said yesterday in the gospel, "whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

If we wish to find out life, then our faith must be present. May the Lord increase our faith so that we may serve Him with all that we are.

Lord Jesus, you are our savior and the giver of life. Help us to continue learning how we can be faithful followers of you and to serve you no matter what the costs. Increase our faith so that we will serve and follow you without hesitation. Help us to never limit your work in our lives and help us to trust in you completely. Lord we pray for all those who are wavering in their faith. Ask this all through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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