
The Glory of God

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

First Reading: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 97
Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-19
Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

God bless you all on the feast day of the Transfiguration of our Lord!

I recently took a cruise about a month ago, and on our last night there, my wife and I went to out on one of the upper decks of the boat in order to see the sunset. Now we were running late since we had just finished dinner, but as we got outside and went to the railing, we looked out over the water and saw the tip of the sun set just beyond the horizon. I can't being to fully describe how amazing it was to be at that place at that time, and seeing something so beautiful take place.

On this Feast day, we celebrate another event in the life of our Lord in which three of the disciples were eye witnesses to this spectacular event. The gospel tells us that on the top of a high mountain Peter, James, and John all saw the Lord transfigured before their very eyes. We are told that "his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light." Can you imagine being Peter, James or John at this moment? I cannot even begin to imagine what it was like to see our Lord in all His glory. I am convinced that all the words in our language would not be able to fully describe how brilliant this event was. From this moment, Peter, James and John could not have been convinced otherwise that Jesus was really the Son of God. While this moment may have only lasted a short time, we all know that this memory stayed with these men forever. For this event is written of by St. Peter in the second reading today.

In the Second book of Peter, Peter recalls this event, and he notes that "You will do well to be attentive to it..." He is saying here, "hey wake up, I have something important to tell you about!" Peter is speaking to us about the power and majesty of our Lord and how as he was instructed to listen to Christ, so we should also be attentive to this message. Peter is trying to let us know that his message is reliable and that it is not something that was just "cleverly devised" but something that he had seen for himself. If you were going to visit a new country and you were looking for information, whose advice would you trust more; someone who read a book about that country or someone who has seen that country for themselves?

St. Peter gives us insight into something that he himself caught a glimpse of, the Glory of God. We are very blessed that he makes this account known to us. We can begin to get fabulous images of what it must have been like upon that mountain with Jesus and His disciples. This account should excite all of us about getting to heaven, because in there that we will be able to be in the presence of our Lord in all His glory for all eternity! I pray that we always keep this end prize in mind while here on earth.

Lord, we thank you and give you praise for this day and for the accounts of your faithful servants. We praise you for your glory and for your saving grace in our lives. We humbly acknowledge your majesty and power and ask for your continued guidance in our lives. We ask this all through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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