
The Lord is an Eternal Rock!

Readings for Thursday December 4, 2008

First Reading:  Isaiah 26:1-6
Responsorial Psalm:  Psalm 118
Gospel:  Matthew 7:21, 24-27

In our parish bible study, we have just gotten done reading the book of 1 Samuel.  Contained in this old testament book is the famous story of David versus Goliath.  Most of us know this story about how this young shepherd defeated this gigantic Philistine warrior with nothing but a sling and a stone.  While this story certainly gives great hope to all the underdogs out there, it also teaches a great lesson about faith and trust.  When Goliath challenged the Israelites to a battle, all of the men took a look in the mirror, sized themselves up to Goliath and realized that they are not as big and strong as he was.  So because of this they became afraid.  Why were they afraid?  Because they relied more on themselves than they did on God.  Only one man trusted in God more than himself, and that was young David.  David knew that no matter how big or strong Goliath was, Goliath was no match for the living God!  David put all of his trust in God, and was therefore victorious.  

The readings today scream to us about trust in God.  Isaiah tells us to:  "Trust in the Lord Forever!  For the Lord is an eternal rock."  Jesus tells us the story of two men, one who built his house on sand and one who built his house on solid rock.  When the storms came, the house built on sand collapsed, but the one that built his house on rock withstood the storm.  During our lives, we will be faced with many giants and many storms, but if we continue to rely and trust in God, and build a solid foundation of faith on Him, then there is nothing that we cannot weather or be victorious over.  Our God is an eternal rock, as solid as anything, and more faithful and true to us than anything!     

During this season of advent, it is so important that we look at our lives and really reflect on how we are living.   Do we put our trust in ourselves, or do we put all of our trust in God?  Are we building our house on rock, or on sand?   

Father above, we thank you for the gift of this day.  Lord, we give ourselves up to you, help to let go of all the fears and doubts that we have.  Lord, help us to put our trust in you, and help us to follow you without hesitation.  Lord, you are the source of all that we have and all that we are, may we always remember you love and mercy for us.  Help us to serve you with all that we are, until the end of our days.  Amen.  

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