
Let Go

Readings for Friday November 13, 2009

Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin

First Reading: Wisdom 13:1-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19
Gospel: Luke 17:26-37

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. (Lk 17:33)

"Let Go." These are the words that came to mind as I read the gospel today. It is so hard for us just to let go of the things in our life, many time we are trying to make things last forever or try to preserve them best we can. Think about how much money is spent on diet pills or machines that promise the perfect "six pack" abs? How much money is spent on anti-wrinkle cream, lotions, and other renewal products? We are told today that whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. I would ask what is it that we are trying to preserve? We all know that this life is just a temporary residence; and the question isn't if we will die, but it is rather when we will die. Our time here on earth is meant to be spent serving and sacrificing for the Lord. If we are willing to lose our life to Him, then in the end we will save it.

Today we remember Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. She was an Italian born saint who as a child had always dreamed of going to China to serve. But this dream hit a major speed bump when two convents would not accept her because of her health. Frances then went to serve in an orphanage, where her and a few other women decided to take vows. Frances was then asked by the bishop to begin her own congregation of missionary nuns, so they formed the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. While the dream of China was still on her mind, it was clear that God has another direction for her ... America. Pope Leo the XIII asked that she go to America instead. So Frances (or Mother Cabrini) decided to head west instead of east. In America she became a great help and friend to the Italian immigrants there; and her and her sisters opened up schools, hospitals, and orphanages. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is a great example to us for the persistence and trust that she displayed in her life, it is a great example of letting go and losing oneself to the Lord.

When we let go and lose our self to the Lord; we are not losing in life, but rather winning in the end.

Father above, we thank you and praise you for the gift of this day. Lord, we thank you and praise you for all the many blessings in our life. Lord, help us to just let go, to follow you where ever you lead us to. We praise you for your glory and may we never lose our trust and hope in you. We pray for all those who are in need of conversion and your unending love and mercy. We ask this all through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me a short, simple but powerful meditation: Let go; Let God.

    Thanks Jimmie!



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